Alexander Calder The Paris Years 1926-1933

Whitney Museum of American Art On view October 16, 2008 – February 15, 2009 “For decades [Calder’s] Circus, lent by the artist in 1970 to the Whitney Museum of American Art, has set flight to the imaginations of visiting children and adults. Now the museum is celebrating its genesis in “Alexander Calder: The Paris Years,Continue reading “Alexander Calder The Paris Years 1926-1933”

Words from Laura Pannack

For those of you who read my posts regularly, you know there exists a special place in my heart for photographers who can intelligently write about their work… perhaps it is something I have always struggled with with my own work. I never have a problem discussing the work of those photographers I represent, butContinue reading “Words from Laura Pannack”

Dancing for the King

design mind By Marc Fenigstein In an earlier post I mentioned The Design Mind conference that happened in San Francisco this month. Here is an excerpt from this event. Tonight’s Design Mind event in San Francisco generated a flood of thoughts on several topics. The thread that struck me most profoundly was the question ofContinue reading “Dancing for the King”

Fashion Forward

By ROBERTA SMITH Published: January 22, 2009 New York Times There are days when it seems as if you’ve been subscribing to all the wrong fashion magazines. A little bit of your world crumbles, or maybe a lot. A visit to the International Center of Photography may cause such a day. The center is inauguratingContinue reading “Fashion Forward”

Edward Steichen: In High Fashion

1923-1937 An exhibit at ICP January 16- May 3, 2009 An exhibition of 175 works by Edward Steichen drawn largely from the Condé Nast archives, this is the first presentation to give serious consideration to the full range of Steichen’s fashion images. Organized by the Musée de l’Elysée, Lausanne, and the Foundation for the ExhibitionContinue reading “Edward Steichen: In High Fashion”

Tisch Seniors Photo Show

Photo exhibitions of the work of graduating seniors are amazing opportunities to re-ignite your love of the still image and to discuss work with people before the pressures of the “real” world encroach in on their art. Here’s a unique forum to speak with artists who have more than likely buried themselves underneath their workContinue reading “Tisch Seniors Photo Show”

Eye on the Strand Photography Contest

Normally I see photo contests as being a great way to get publicity. Their prizes aren’t generally great or enough money to cover the self addressed stamp envelope. If you have these sames gripes about contests, then check out the Eye on the Strand photo contest. I’m really surprised to see how amazing the prizeContinue reading “Eye on the Strand Photography Contest”

Thank you A Photo Editor

While I realize business is tough right now and things might not always seem bright and cheery, humor might make the day a little better. This past week’s New York Times Magazine published a gorgeous photo essay of portraits by Nadav Kander of  influential figures in the upcoming Obama administration. Online, NYTimes published behind theContinue reading “Thank you A Photo Editor”

Obama’s White House Photographer

Witness private and political moments along Barack Obama’s path to the presidency, as seen by official White House photographer Pete Souza ATHENS, OH (January 4, 2009) – Photojournalist and NPPA member Pete Souza has accepted the position of official White House photographer for President-elect Barack Obama, he told News Photographer magazine tonight. Souza received theContinue reading “Obama’s White House Photographer”

Eminent Domain

Contemporary Photography and the City Last summer, public outcry forced New York City officials to reconsider regulations that might have required even the most casual of tourist-photographers to obtain a permit and $1 million in liability insurance to photograph or film in the streets of the city. A majority of the objectors felt that theContinue reading “Eminent Domain”

Featured Photographer, Kate Isherwood

Recent Work by Kate Isherwood I grew up in an old house within a small hamlet reached by way of a winding Devon lane. Many would find it too solitary a location, but my childhood-self inhabited a world of day-dreams and although I was often afflicted by a sense of boredom synonymous with never-ending SundayContinue reading “Featured Photographer, Kate Isherwood”

Getting Lost To Find New Opportunity :: 迷失中发现新机会

What does it mean… take time, wander, explore, experience something new? There is something to be said for wandering. Having no place to be, no end in sight, no final destination. Taking in the city you live with fresh eyes. Catching a glimpse of the old anew, spotting the minute, details that you had neverContinue reading “Getting Lost To Find New Opportunity :: 迷失中发现新机会”

Design Mind In Person: The Motion Issue

If you’re in San Francisco at the end of this month, you should check out Design Mind . Thursday, January 22nd, 7-8:30pm frog design 660 Third Street San Francisco pre register In the current economic, environmental, and political climate, change seems the only constant we can hold onto. And with change comes movement. From shiftingContinue reading “Design Mind In Person: The Motion Issue”

Paul Graham, a shimmer of possibility

February 4–May 18, 2009 In August of 2004 Paul Graham (British, b. 1956), who had moved from London to New York in 2002, set out on the first of many trips around the United States to see and photograph the country for himself. This exhibition has been selected from the resulting series of photographic works,Continue reading “Paul Graham, a shimmer of possibility”

William Eggleston / Whitney Museum

On view November 7, 2008 – January 25, 2009 One of the most influential photographers of the last half-century, William Eggleston has defined the history of color photography. This exhibition is the artist’s first retrospective in the United States and includes both his color and black-and-white photographs as well as Stranded in Canton, the artist’sContinue reading “William Eggleston / Whitney Museum”

two shows this weekend worth the walk

Now that the holiday season is winding down, you may find yourself with a few moments to yourself. In case those moments become too frequent, here are two shows that look worth a cold, wintry walk through Chelsea. Alison Brady, An Uncertain Nature @ Massimo Audiello On view January 8 to February 28th  |  526Continue reading “two shows this weekend worth the walk”

Pre-Order Miha’s Book!

If you just can’t wait for Miha’s latest book project, Entertaining in the Raw, to come out, well we can’t blame you! To ease your anticipation, you can pre-orer here by clicking here. Description from Amazon: Product Description MATTHEW KENNEY’S ENTERTAINING IN THE RAW CHEF MATTHEW KENNEY TAKES THE RAW FOOD lifestyle to exquisite newContinue reading “Pre-Order Miha’s Book!”

Tableau, by Ryan Schude for JPG Magazine

Ryan Schude forwarded this article he wrote for JPG. For all of you who just can get enough of Ryan and are wondering about his process… here you go and you’re welcome! Just a warning, you’ll love his work even more after reading…. don’t say we didn’t warn you. — Tableau The lamp photo startedContinue reading “Tableau, by Ryan Schude for JPG Magazine”

Photos from Inside the WTC Reconstruction

I’ve been waiting for this exhibition for a very long time and now it is finally here! Ben Jarosch, an accomplished yet new face in the photo journalism scene, has been chosen by the Maybach Foundation to shoot the reconstruction at the World Trade Center site. The show’s opening reception is tomorrow night from 6-8Continue reading “Photos from Inside the WTC Reconstruction”

What Is Art and Why Does It Matter?

Is an online magazine that creates a forum for interpretive experimentation and gives a face to the people who make museums a vibrant presence in the world. This magazine is here because we all “know” that art is important, but do we always know why? Looking at art can provide a much needed refuge forContinue reading “What Is Art and Why Does It Matter?”

Confusion in Photography

First Doubt: Optical Confusion in Modern Photography Many photographers have been intrigued by the baffling distortions—both subtle and disquieting—that can result when the camera “captures” the real world. First Doubt: Optical Confusion in Modern Photography explores this fascinating yet seldom discussed undercurrent in the medium’s history. The exhibition features approximately one hundred photographs taken byContinue reading “Confusion in Photography”